A: No gear bags are transported from Hopkinton to Boston. Q: Where do the Charity Program participants
A: Meeting locations for the Charity Program teams may be found at the Information Tent on Hopkinton Common and in the Athletes’ Village. Q: Where can I replace my lost bib?
A: Replacement bibs can be found at the Information Tent on Hopkinton Common. Q: Is there a “Lost and Found”?
A: Yes, at the Information Tent on Hopkinton Common and the Athletes’ Village. Q: Where can I find pins, Vaseline, and BandAids?
A: The Information Tent on Hopkinton Common and Athletes’ Village will have safety pins. Medical tents on the Common and Athletes’ Village will have Band-Aids and Vaseline. Q: Where is the VIP program?
A: It is located in the Hopkinton Middle School cafeteria and gymnasiums. Q: Can I leave the Village early?
A: We don’t recommend it. With the additional security in place and limited re-entry points, you may not be able to return in time to make your wave start. Waves and corrals are released according to bib number assignments.
Q: Can I get into the corrals from downtown?A: The only access points other than the main Village entrance are at the State Park shuttle drop-off on Cedar St., and from Price St. Q: My friend has a different corral assignment
than I do. Can I start in his/her corral?
A: Participants should start in the wave they have been assigned to, but may move back in the corrals or waves, except to the first corral in a wave. However, participants may NOT move forward to lower numbered corrals or to an earlier wave. Q: Are shuttles available for spectators?
A: Spectators will have access to B.A.A. shuttles to downtown Hopkinton from Hopkinton State Park, the South St. parking lot and the MBTA commuter rail station in Southborough. All other B.A.A. shuttles will be available for runners only Q: If I miss my wave start, may I start in the next wave?
A: Yes, you may start in a later wave. However, you will not be allowed to start in first corral of the wave.
Q: How many First Aid Stations are there on course?A: There are 26 First Aid Stations along the course. There are two medical stations in the Athletes’ Village.
Q: How many hydration stations are there in Hopkinton and on course? A: Hydration stations are located at the Athletes’ Village and the CVS on Main St. There are 24 hydration stations along the course. See map on reverse.
Q: Where do I meet my family and friends after I finish the race?A: Finishers will exit the finish area system into the Family Meeting Area at the corner of Berkeley/St. James Ave. Signs posted with first letters of last names will direct families where to meet runners. Q: Where do I collect my gear bag at the Finish following my race?
A: Bags left at the gear check area in Boston prior to the race can be found at the same location following the race on Boylston St. and Berkeley St. Q: If I parked in the State Park/South St. lot, how do I get back to my car after the race?
A: Shuttles to Hopkinton will pick up athletes at the corner of Stanhope and Clarendon Streets between 1:00 p.m. and 7:00 p.m. Q: How may I track a runner on my phone?
A: Simply text RUNNER to 234567 to receive your AT&T Athlete Alerts. You will receive six race day text alerts as your athlete reaches the 10K, 13.1-mile, 30K, 35K, 40K, and Finish Line. You can also track runners on the B.A.A. Mobile App. You will receive 8 texts per bib number. Message & data rates may apply. Text STOP to cancel. Text HELP for help. Available on participating carriers only. Privacy Policy at: www.att.com/privacy.